King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Tanner, Lydia Jane


Registration number1075
First name(s)Lydia Jane

13 Marsden Street, Oxford; Nurse's Institution, Leicester

Date of registration2 May 1890

Certificate, 1st Class, Leicester Infirmary 1885-88; Sister Dora Hospital, Miford (Matron) 1888; Nurses Institution, Leicester (Matron)

Personal details

Date of birth1845
Place of birthNewbury Berkshire
Maiden nameTanner
Family details

Father John, solicitor, and mother Mary Elizabeth

Additional personal details

1851 census - living with family (see below); 1861 census - living with her parents, John and Mary Elizabeth, 2 brothers and 3 Sisters aged 15 scholar at Speenhamland, Berkshire; 1881 census - living with family aged 35 (still in Speenhamland) no occupation; 1891 census - living in The Trained Nurses' Home, Leicester, Lady Superintendant aged 45; 1911 census - head of household, 101 Liffey Road, Oxford, aged 65, private nurse

Professional details

Additional professional details

1909 Nurses Directory, address - 203 Liffey Road Oxford, Registered Nurse 1890, Cert 1st Class Leicester Infirmary 1885/86, Sister Dora Hospital, Milford (Matron) 1888, Private Nurse at home, Oxford, 1899 to 1909. Member of Royal British Nurses' Association


Nursing Directory for 1909 and Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives

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