King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Selfe, Sarah Gwendoline


Registration number833
First name(s)Sarah Gwendoline

3 Victoria Gardens, Notting Hill

Date of registration28 March 1890

Certificate, London Hospital, 1882 - 84
Chelsea Womens Hospital, 1885 (3 mths)

Personal details

Date of birthc1851
Place of birthDareham, Suffolk
Additional personal details

Address: 12 York St., Portsmouth (1909)

Professional details

Work experience

London Hospital (Pro and Staff Nurse), 1882 - 84
Chelsea Hospital (Staff Nurse), 1885
Medical and Surgical sick nurse at either Kensington Infirmary or St Marylebone Infirmary, Rackham St, Notting Hill Gate, 1891
Private Nurse to date (1909)

Professional activities

Member Royal British Nursing Association


1891 Census
1909 Nursing Directory
1909 Roll of Members

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