King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
Home|S - U|Saunders, Maria 

Saunders, Maria


Registration number1052
First name(s)Maria

St. John's House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.; The Hills, Brill, Thame, Oxon

Date of registration2 May 1890

King's College Hospital 1874-75; St John's House to date; Diploma London Obstetrics Society 1887


Deceased 1928; Midwife

Personal details

Date of birthabt 1835
Place of birthBermondsey, London
Date of deathabt 1928

Professional details

Additional qualifications

'obtaining certificates' St John's House 1889-1904;

Work experience

King's College Hospital 1874-75; St. John's House 1875-1891; District Work; Private Nursing.

Professional activities


Additional professional details

Gratutities absorbed as wages have been raised' August 1891; End of engagement, wished for District Work August 1891


Register of Trained Nurses 1892; Nursing Directory for 1909; and Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives 1901 census St. John's House original records at London Metropolitan Archives (ref: H1/ST/SJ/C2/1) Nurse's Register 1850-1865

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