King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Pope, Alice


Registration number769
First name(s)Alice

Hospital Ships, Long Reach, Nr, Dartford, Kent

Date of registration28 March 1890

Hospital Ships, 1885 - 90


London Hospital, (Sister) Croydon Infirmary

Personal details

Date of birth1860
Place of birthHounslow, Middx
Maiden namePope
Family details

Daughter of William Pope, gravel contractor, and his wife, Nancy

Additional personal details

Address 1892: (family home) Eglington Villa, Staines Road, Hounslow
Alice's father died in 1888 age 64 and Alice returned home to help her widowed mother, financially
1898, River Ambulance Service, South Wharf, Trinity St. Rotherhithe, S.E.

Professional details

Additional qualifications

London Hospital Cert.
2 years training to Apr 1892

Work experience

1880 to 1885, Colney Hatch and Chartham, Kent, Assylum (Hospital Servant, attendant on the insane)
Assst. Nurse Met. Asy. Board Hosp Ships (Smallpox) Cert 5 years service, Oct 1885 to Nov 1887
Staff Nurse to March 1890
Pro London Hospital to 1892
Sister in Charge Croydon Union Inf., Sept 1894 to Jan 1896
Supt. River Ambulance Service since Jan 1896

Professional activities


Additional professional details

Won a prize in 1889 for her essay on a young man named Mathias whom she nursed with smallpox on the Hospital Ship at Dartford in 1887, and whom survived. The prize she chose was 'Hartshorne's Manual of Household Medicine'
Commenced training at The London Hospital, May 9th 1890, age 29 day and night duty on Rachel, General (tracheotomy and hernia), Private case, Queens, Cotton, Currie and Mellich Wards.

Alice Pope was below the standard suitable for training here. She meant well, but was naturally slow and her lack of education made it difficult for her to profit by the opportunities afforded her. She was also slightly deaf and this defect increased, or at any rate became more perceptible towards the end of her training. As the process of getting Alice Pope through her training gave us more than the average amount of trouble it was disappointing that she would not give one year of service due to us in any capacity, but wished to leave directly she had gained her Certificate. She said circumstances rendered it necessary for her to live with her mother and gain more money.

Alice Pope would probably succeed best in private or district nursing. She was strong and capable of hard work but like most of her class required constant supervision. Examination satisfactory, work good, conduct good. (Another note at the side of the page): Shortly after making this entry a card and circular letter was brought to me, which Alice Pope appeared to be sending round to the staff, advertising herself as a certificated London Hospital Nurse with M.B.N.A after her name.


Sources RBNA Register of Nurses King's
The Nursing Directory, 1892 and 1898
RCN Nursing Journals 1889
Royal London Hospital Archive
1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 Census

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