King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Parnham, Martha

All who have worked at the London Fever Hospital for the last quarter of a century will regret to hear of the death of Sister Martha Parnham, which occurred on Sunday November 22nd at her home in Upton near Southwell.

Sister Parnham entered the service of the London Fever Hospital on the 1st April 1880. In 1894 she was appointed Home Sister, which post she retained till her death. She was one of the earliest members of the Royal British Nursing Association and earlier this year was appointed Honorary Serving Sister of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in recognition of her long and faithful service.

Whilst taking her holiday in October last she had a very severe heart attack, the precursor of her last illness. This prevented her from returning to duty as she had hoped to do, with a view to retiring shortly on a well-earned pension. Her intense sympathy, combined with great force of character, made her a very helpful Sister to most of those with whom she had to deal, and she will be very greatly missed by all who have benefited by her counsel and help in the twenty eight and a half years of her work at the London Fever Hospital.



Registration number845
First name(s)Martha

London Fever Hospital, Liverpool Road

Date of registration28 March 1890

London Fever Hospital, 1880 - 90


Deceased, 1908

Personal details

Date of birth1847
Place of birthAuburn, Lincoln
Date of death22-Nov-08
Place of deathAt home, Upton nr Southwell
Additional personal details

Address: London Fever Hospital (1892)

Professional details

Work experience

1 April 1880 entered London Fever Hospital
1884 appointed Home Sister
London Fever Hospital, Islington 1880 till her death in 1908

Professional activities

One of the earliest members of the Royal British Nursing Assoc.
1908, appointed Honorary Serving Sister of the Order of St John of Jerusalem for long and faithful service


1891 Census
1892 Register of Trained Nurses

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