King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Odger, Mary Harriet


Registration number1060
First name(s)Mary Harriet

31 Putney Bridge Road Wandsworth SW; 7 Alma Place Penzance Cornwall

Date of registration2 May 1890

Guy's Hospital 1880-81; Putney Hospital for Incurables 1881-82

Personal details

Date of birthJune 1852
Place of birthSt. Mary's Scilly Isles
Family details

Father was a mariner; mother Mary and Mary H. at age 9 lived with Mary's father Samuel Nicholls, pensioner, and Mary's sister Elizabeth H. Nicholls, a school teacher on Tresco Isles of Scilly;

Date of deathabt 1928
Place of deathCornwall
Additional personal details

Twenty-nine people lived at 205 Great Portland Street (Servants' Home) when Mary was a Nurse Domestic in 1881. She was still listed as living there in 1892.

Professional details

Work experience

Private Nursing

Additional professional details

Sick Nurse Penzance in 1901


Register of Trained Nurses 1892 and Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives 1861, 1881 and 1901 census

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