King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Musgrave, Louisa Fooks


Registration number894
First name(s)Louisa Fooks

Church Green, Witney, Oxon
18 Cecil St., Lytham, Lancs

Date of registration2 May 1890

Certificate, Guy's Hospital, 1883 - 1886
Nursing Inst., Wigmore Street, 1886 - 1889
Dist nurse to date

Personal details

Date of birth1851
Place of birthTeignmouth
Family details

Father: Henry B Musgrave, Grocer

Date of death1926
Place of deathGodstone
Additional personal details

Employed as a needlewoman in Teignmouth in 1871
Living near Bath on income from dividends in 1881

Professional details

Work experience

Guy's Hospital, 1883 - 1886
Nursing Inst., Wigmore Street, 1886 - 1889
Private nurse, 1889 - 1894 in Oxfordshire
Private nurse, 1895 - 1898
Tufnell Park Nursing Institution, January 1895 - May 1898
St. Pancras Workhouse, July 1898 - December 1898
Surgical Home, 283 Camden Road, January 1899 - November 1899
Hospital Nurse at Dorset County Hospital in 1901


Census 1891 as Louisa T Musgrave
Census 1881 as Louisa F Musgrave
Census 1891
Census 1901 as Louisa Fooks Musgrave

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