King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Homersham, Eliza Margery

Miss Margery Homersham.

A noted personality has passed away by the death of Miss Margery E Homersham, of Hampstead, who took a leading part in the demand for the inquiry into the management of the Metropolitan Hospitals in the year 1891. As a probationer at the London Hospital, she realised the great necessity for nursing reform, and gave useful evidence before the Lords Committee of Enquiry, whose report in support of nursing reform, the three years standard of training and State Registration was embodied in most valuable blue books without which the historical section of no nurses' library can be considered complete.

Like that of many courageous reformers, Margery Homersham's professional career suffered from the antagonism which she aroused in exposing serious abuses which have long been remedied.


Registration number444
First name(s)Eliza Margery

24 South Villas, Camden Square, NW
4 Union Road, Tufnell Park, W
36 Inman Road, Craven Park, Harlesden, NW

Date of registration7 March 1890

London Hospital, 1884 - 85 (5 months)



Personal details

Date of birth1855
Place of birthSt Pancras, London
Date of death1930

Professional details

Additional qualifications

Certificate of the Sanitary Institute, 1895
Certificate in Massage, National Hospital, 1890

Work experience

Matron of a Nursing Home, The Grove, Ravenswood, St Pancras, 1901 (census)

Professional activities

Associate of the Sanitary Institution
Lecturer for the Glasgow Social Union and the Kyrle Society and the Ladies Sanitary Association
Lecturer on Hygiene, Northern Poly, 1896
Late Lecturer for the National Health Society
Late Patroness, Nursing Exhibition, 1896

Additional professional details

Authoress "Home Nursing" 1899
Housewifery 1899
Contributor "Spread of Sanitary Knowledge by District Nurses" Nurses Journal 1891 (and others)


Register 1892
RBNA Directory 1909
Census 1901
59 references in Nursing Journals

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