King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Finch, Dora


Registration number313
First name(s)Dora

St Bartholomew's Hospital EC; Matron, University College Hospital, Gower Street WC

Date of registration7 March 1890

Cottage Hospital, St Helen's, Lancashire; St Bartholomew's Hospital 1888-1890


New Hospital for Women Euston Road, Matron 1888-1902; University College Hospital, Matron 1902 to date, 1909-1922

Personal details

Date of birth1864
Place of birthBlackheath Kent
Family details

In 1871 census Dora is 7 years old. Her father Robert, aged 46 is a General Practitioner, married to Louise, aged 39. Dora has 6 brothers and 4 sisters, one sister Marian also became a nurse.

Date of death1943
Place of deathSt Pancras, London
Additional personal details

1881 census Dora is 17 and a scholar. 1891 she is single, 27 years old and a nurse.

Professional details

Work experience

Cottage Hospital, St Helens Lancashire 1886-1888; St Bartholomew's, Sister Luke Ward 1888-1898; New Hospital for Women, Gower Street, Matron 1899-1902; University College Hospital 1902-1922

Professional activities

Member of RBNA Member of St Bartholomews Nurses League Treasurer of National Council of Trained Nurses GB

Additional professional details

Dora was awarded the Royal Red Cross Medal, First Class in 1917. After resigning her post as Matron of UCH she got the post of a secretary on the General Nursing Council. This appointment created a lot of criticism expressed in a number of letters and editorials in The Nursing Record, when the GNC was accused of nepotism.


Register of Trained Nurses 1892; Nursing Directory for 1909; RBNA Roll of Members 1909 and Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911 census Nursing Record, Vol. 22, Feb 1899; Vol 56 May 1917; Vol. 69 April, May June 1923 UCH website - Details of UCLH Nurses League Dora Finch and Barbara Yule Benevolent Trust Fund. Accessed August 2012.

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