King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Copeman, Sarah Susannah


Registration number1129
First name(s)Sarah Susannah

London Temperance Hospital, Hampstead Road, NW; 82 St John's Road, Oxford

Date of registration2 May 1890

London Hospital in 1885; London Temperance Hospital, 1886-1890

Personal details

Date of death19th January 1934
Additional personal details

in 1909 lived 19 Winchester Road, Oxford; THE LONDON GAZETTE 23 OCTOB ER 1934 PAGE 6753 SARAH SUSANNA COPEMAN, Deceased. Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims ordemands against the estate of Sarah Susanna Copeman, late of 7, St. John's Road, Oxford, in the' countv of Oxfordshire, Spinster (who died on the 19th " day of January, 1934, and whose Will was proved by William Oliver Copeman and Mary Louisa Pickard-Hall, the executors therein named, in the Norwich District Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 19th day of March, 1934), are (hereby requested to send Particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or demands to us, the undersigned, as Solicitors to the said executors, 'on or before the 31st day of December, 1934, after which day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testatrix among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice; and that they will not be liable for the assets of the said testatrix, or any part so distributed, to any person or persons of whose debts, claims or demands they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 19th day of October, 1934. W. H. TILLETT and CO., St. Andrew's

Professional details

Additional qualifications

1889 Certificate, L.O.S & Masseuse

Work experience

1885, Probationer at the London Hospital; 1886-1890, Nurse at the London Temperance Hospital ; 1891-1898, Superintendent at the Plaistow Nurses' Home; 1898 -1900, Private Special Visiting Nurse, Oxford

Professional activities

Inventor of a throat and nasal spray for use in diphteria; wrote 'Thoughts on Life', published in 1886; Member of Royal British Nursing Association


Nursing Directory for 1909 and Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives

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