King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
Home|A - C|Barff, Catherine Eliza 

Barff, Catherine Eliza


Registration number55
First name(s)Catherine Eliza

8 Adelphi Terrace, Salford, Lancashire

Date of registration7 March 1890

St Thomas's Hospital, 1882
Nat Met District Nurse, 1883
Liverpool District Nurses' House Lady Supt, 1884 - 86
Lytham Cottage Hospital, 1886 - 89


Married now Gull

Personal details

Date of birth1850
Place of birthWakefield, Yorkshire
Maiden nameBarff
Married nameGull
Family details

Mother: Charlotte L H Barff

Date of death10 April 1938
Place of deathLancashire
Additional personal details

Additional address: 31 Lonsdale Road, Formby, Lancs
Maiden name also spelt Burff and Borff
Married 1894 in Salford, Manchester
Left £1666 8s 9d.

Professional details

Work experience

St Thomas's Hospital, 1882
Met and Nat District Nurses' Association, 1883
Liverpool District Nurses' House Lady Supt, 1884 - 86
Lytham Cottage Hospital, 1886 - 89
Salford Home for District Nurses (Matron), 1889

Additional professional details

Presented Queen's Badge
Entered on the Roll of Queen's Nurses for nursing the sick poor in their homes


Register of Trained Nurses 1892; Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives

Birth, marriage and probate records

The Nursing Record 30 May 1889, 8 Jan 1891, 12 March 1891

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