King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Trade winds and currents, page 26

[page 26]

the Island:- on the North side, the swell of the sea is less:-
the surge is not so heavy, and fewer Banks & shoals have in the
course of nature and time been formd:- The vessel at Anchor
rides easier, the Bottom is less foul, & the Landing is safer.
         Adverting to the Chart of Bearings,- these advantages of the
Northern Harbour, and especially of Manowar Bay, & of the two
Courlands, and Sandy Bay, are happily combined with those of more
numerous & Important lines of Communication,- whether
in Commerce,- or intending ‘Armd Expedition.’
          The Trade-winds prevailing, as has been represented,- The
Facilities of Navigation to, and from, Tabago, are to be estimated
and a further consideration of the Currents;- which on the surface
of Sea environing this Insulated Promontory of South America,
and to many Leagues distant from the Land, are of great force;
-take various directions; & have often Baffled, the ablest navigator.
In general description, the Currents may be said to course
With the Tradewinds;- the Water below, as the Air above;- But the
fluid of water, when given motion, changes not its direction so
readily, as that of Air;- and then an opposite tendency and conflict
of Elements, checks, or diverts the Course of stream:- further the
water Current, is subject to eddies, or reflux from meeting Repulse
or turn by Headlands;-or when diverted by a more commanding stream

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