King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Navigational hazards, page 27

[page 27]

whether at sea, or by the outflowing of Great Rivers.- The Current
running leeward on the southside of Tobago, as it approaches the
Spanish Main, gets a new force and direction, from the powerfull
out-stream of that vast River the Oronooko, which forces it northward
thro’ the Channel dividing Tabago from Trinidad, rapidly carrying
a vessel six knots in 1 hour, and in equal degree obstructing ye Return.
The main Current from the Eastern Ocean, striking on
the S.E. Promontory of Tabago (by Columbus named Gracias
a Dios’)- whirls Northward round the Bluff head,- disturbs
Tirrels Bay with its Eddies,- and having cleard that end of
the Island, resumes its Course to Leeward, at half o’ Leagues
distance from the Coast,- with back, or counter stream, near
to the shore.
Masters of vessels, ignorant of the force and direction of
The Currents in these seas, are frequently driven to Leeward;
-to Trinidad, or to Grenada, in make Tobago;- or weathering
its Eastern Headland to fetch Scarboro’, are hurried on to the
Spanish Main. It is not long since, that the ‘Cove’ a British 
merchant ship of 350 Tons, well mannd & Commanded by an
able Seaman (Captain Westley) – who had long been in the
Tobago Trade, and was fully acquainted with its Navigation,
having left Queens bay, to complete his lading of produce

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