King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

French naval strength, page 23

[page 23]

‘If Tobago does not offer the Security, with all other
Requisites of military Depôt, which from the Nature of
its Country and Coasts,-‘ Barbadoes’ can by no Art of the
engineer be made, equally to afford.
-    At the distance of four thousand miles from Gt Britain
and in a quarter of its Dominions so Rich, and assailable,
and so assuredly a scene of warfare or Quarrel with France,
-a Principal station of Force, and Place of Depôt for naval
and military stores, is indispensable.
Such Depôt for warlike maintenance and service, is an
Imperial Treasury of value & Import, far beyond any of
money or jewels:- It is an hoarded Resource, for the feeding
and the arming Soldiers, and Sailors;- and for the providing
and refitting ships of War.
           Such national Deposit, should be within the strongest
Hold;- and at the same time be so placed, that it may rea:
=dily be resorted to,- and deliveries from it be made to the greatest
advantages, for the public uses and service.
-    On the first of these Qualifications,- ‘That of 
Safe Keeping,- I have sufficiently, however briefly, stated
in the introduction to this essay,- the Internal resources of

Young's key themes - the securing of the island against France and the establishment of an important colonial outpost - are made visible in these emphatically delivered passages of text.

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