King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

The limitations of Barbados as a principal station, page 22

[page 22]

‘The Commercial & Political Importance’
of The Island of Tobago’
-    Mano’war Bay,- in the Island of Tabago, is situated
in Lat:- 11°-#16:- Long: W.G.- 60° - #29;- and, as appears from
the Charts exhibited in this Book,- is to windward of all
the Antilles with the Exception of Barbadoes, the present
head Quarters of the army & Navy of Great Britain, in
these seas.- But,- with the exception of Its being the
most windward Island,- Barbadoes is not thought to
possess from nature or situation, any one requisite, of
accomodation or Security, fitting it to be a Place of Depôt,
and the Principal station of British Force.
-    Yet,- Considering the enterprizing spirit of the
ennemy whom we Have to contend with,- and His new
resources of equippment at Antwerp, for armd expedition,
north about, and to the west India seas;- Sudden attack
is at some time to be expected, and at all times to be
be [sic] prepard against.
It will be the purpose of this essay, to examine if

Young's Essay employs many nautical terms - understandable as his focus is on an island situated in the Caribbean Sea - and in his work on transcribing the manuscript, the Special Collections intern, James Hatherill, learnt and became familiar with these. Control of the seas was the ultimate expression of power for a nation and Young demonstrates his understanding of this through his focus on naval and nautical matters.

In this exhibition

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