King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Potential trade agreements with Spain, page 34

[page 34]

Lower, mixd race of Spanish and Indian People:- but their
masters the Priests, will ever, as I have experiencd, require
from their Supercargoes, a proportion of Dollars or Doubloons in
payment for the Cattle;- and a Trade limited to lower Guiana
can only be deemd profitable, as it is found usefull & necessary,
for the supplying Horses Mules & working Oxen to the British
But,-- a Trade for Dyes,- for drugs,- for other rare and valuable
articles,- and above all,-‘ for Bullion’,- to be carried on with the 
Provinces above Nova Guiana, where the precious metals are
represented to be in abundance, and the medium of every dealing
to be ‘Gold’, -- might be instituted and carried to an extent,
in progress & advantage, beyond the most sanguine expectation,
considering the greatness, produce, wealth and vast population
of the Interiour Provinces adverted to.
         In the result of much enquiry,-- ‘for the Institution of
such course of Trade, I should propose, the Treating with the 
Spanish Government, for a Commercial settlement, which might
be favorably considerd, and under present circumstances, allowd.
     In such Case I would suggest the establishment of a British
Factory, and the appropriation of warehouses, at Angusturas, to be

In these passages Young details some of the infrastructure necessary for the expansion and sustainment of a British presence in the region, and how links with mainland South America could be conducted and negotiated from Tobago.

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