King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Orinoco River, page 30

[page 30]

From the southern coast of Tabago, and specially from
Scarboro’, it has been observd in the introductory Chapter, that
the preferable course of Trade, is with, and by the channel
of The River Oronooko.
         My enquiries on the subject of this direction for the 
extending British Commerce, have impressd me with a strong
opinion, ‘that the channel of this, great and navigable River,
winding to the sea, through an immense tract of Rich and
Populous Countries in the Interiour of South America, might open
a trade the most advantageous to the manufacturers of Gt Britain,
If the Spaniards were thereto conciliated;- and for ye accomplishing
of which, the Political Crisis, is at this Time most favorable.
        The following sketch of the Course of ye River, noting the
settlements which appeard on its Banks, is taken from the minutes
of a voyage describd to me by Mr Jefferies of Demerara, who went
to Guiana, to purchase Spanish Horses,- and arrivd at Tobago from
Angusturas,- august the 8th 1810, after a passage of 9 Days.

Illustration of the River Oronooko from Young's Essay, page 30Course of the River Oronooko, page 30The course of the Orinoco River is traced by Young in the sketch reproduced on the left.

The notes on the sketch include distances from significant destinations and serve to support Young’s claims for the river’s significance in opening up trade routes to the South American continent.

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