King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Historical political instability of the island, page 32

[page 32]

--The ‘Reply’ is obvious, to those acquainted with the History
of Tobago:- “Its advantages from Nature and situation, are
well known;- but too,- it is known,- that the island has
by Treaties, been surrenderd to France, successively in 1783
and in 1802:- what has happened, is again feard;- and under
presumed uncertainty of the Tenure, Great Capitalists will
not risque their fortunes in a Bank, which may soon &
suddenly pass, from the Power which protects,- to the Power which
confiscates.’—These apprehensions should no longer operate;
-I think, Great Britain will not in the wisdom of its
Councils, again give up Tabago to France;- and, why I
think so, will appear from the facts and statements, which
I shall have to exhibit, in the course of this essay.
         Having so premised, I resume the subject of a Trade
with the Spanish main.
         The Banks of the Oronooko, to a very considerable distance
from the sea, exhibit a low and marshy Savannah on Each
side, occasionally and in parts flooded by its waters. on these 
extensive levels, numerous Herds of Cattle, Horses, and Mules,
constitute the chief, or only, wealth of the People,- or rather
of Their Priests;- who in fact, unite to that of their sacred

These passages overtly appeal to the spirit of British mercantilism. Much justification for the expansion of the British Empire was predicated on the need to grow trade and wealth, and Young’s references to gateway trading-posts such as the Orinoco River appeal to these expansionist sentiments.

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