King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Appeal to British merchants, page 31

[page 31]

The adventure of Trade by the Oronooko, being directed with
Intelligence, and a Competent Capital assigned, and assortments
of Merchandize properly selected,- I am confident would succeed;
and I shall submit my informations on the subject, and
suggest a procedure the most likely to ensure success.
I anticipate a Remark, which Those who best know
and appreciate the intelligence and Spirit of the mercantile
character of Our People, may plausibly make in discredit
of the Speculation which I propoze:- and the Remark ex=
tending to create a distrust,’ of any Trade whatever being carried
on to advantage from Tabago,- should be previously and satis
factorily answered, to entitle the suggestions in this essay to a
favorable,- or indeed to any, consideration whatever.—‘It
will be said,--“is Tabago hitherto unknown to our British
merchants?,- or if known, can it be suppozd,- that had
the Island, the advantages for an extension of Commerce
pretended in this essay, They would not have been availd of,
and long Eer this, have been taken up, and pursued, with
that ingenuity and Ardour of adventure, which have reachd
to the most remote & hidden sources of Gain, and placd
Firms of British Trade, in every Corner, of every Quarter of the Globe?

In this exhibition

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