King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Natural resources, page 11

[page 11]

For the support of whatever number of soldiers or sailors, no
west India Island, can show greater fertility & general resource.
The Luxuriant plants, shrubs, and fine timber growing to the very
summit of its loftiest hills, sufficiently designate the richness
and depth of soil. – The Mountains ridge arrests cloud and
dispenses rains; - and the springs, and source of water formed in
its heights, pour forth considerable streams to fertilize a Country:
no Island is better waterd than Tabago.
Having stated the Island to be fertile, in the Growth of whatever
the Earth may produce for the use and subsistence of man; - I should
not omit, what the Seas actually do produce:- The Fisheries are
abundant and inexhaustible on every part of the Coasts;- and
on the north side, half o’ League at sea, and immediately 
in the offing of Manowar Bay, - There are Banks swarming
with the finest fish, which the west India seas anywhere produce.
              All the requisites inviting to form a principal Depôt and
post of arms in the Island of Tabago, seem collected to a 
point and situation, for convenient subserviency to the very place,
which Nature hath strongly markd,- and which military
Genius & sagacity, would select, - fur such purpose.
            The Courland Bays may be considered, as places of rendevous

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