King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Further fortifications at Courland, page 18

[page 18]

the establishing, the firms of Trade and Commerce, and there
with, the Custom house and post office, at Courland on the opposite
coast:- it is not necessary,- it is not safe or proper, that a place
of trade should be a place of Arms:- a military Port, is
a Port to be attacked,- and then whatever is in its immediate
vicinities must suffer from the attack,- or perhaps be leveld
to ruins for the very purposes of Defence:- surely it has been
an advantage to the Commercial Town of St Pierre in Martinique
that,- on successive attacks, and final conquest of that great Island,
its mercantile warehouses & shipping have been safe, as being
distant, from the scene of warfare & Bombardments, at Port Royale.
All that is required at Courland, is a Battery and Town Militia
to protect the shipping in the Bay from marauding enterprize;
-on more serious attack, Manowar Bay to windward, might
dispatch immediate succour.
I shall give a sketch of the fort-hill on which the present
Garrison is now stationd,- and of the Town of Scarboro, and of its
Bay;- observing that the Bay has not water or safe anchorage
for ships of the Line.
Lastly, and to complete the documents, on which my inferences
In the following essay will have to rest, I shall exhibit a Chart of
the particular Bearings of the Island of Tabago to Other Countries 
and Places,- for juster estimate of its qualifications,- to be a 
DepĂ´t of Trade,- or to be a Post of enterprize and Command.

The passages shown here demonstrate Young's hopes and fears in relation to the fate of the island - and give strong arguments regarding its potential role in Britain's future.

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