King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Defence of the bay, page 16

[page 16]

last century, affords the best grounds for anchorage, and under
the most perfect shelter;- on this windward beach the water is
smooth as a mill pond, yet has no inconveniences of calm; the
Current setting in round Telescope point, courses the depth of
the Bay and runs out by the opposite headland, facilitating
the departure of ships in all seasons, and under all circumstances.
          -as, with proper Batteries & works, in the Commanding
headlands, the Entrance of the Bay cannot be forcd, - so neither
can the Bay be blockaded:- The Currents in the offing, and for
a great extent of sea, are so shifting and violent,- as to set 
all reckoning by the log at defiance; and the ablest navigator
will often find his vessel drift to Leeward, notwithstanding every
exertion to keep his course. – It is not from mere speculation,
-It is from intelligence given me, by every Master of a ship
long engaged in the Trade of this Island, and best acquainted
with its seas, that I derive the opinion, -“that no vessel, can
for any length of Time, Lay off and on, on the North side of Tobago;
-and that Manowar Bay can never to effect, be blockaded.
This circumstance induces a reflection, on the leaving this
important station in its present open, and defenceless state:
-‘ might not an ennemys Squadron, enter and take possession
of this Harbour, as a Post for Cruize and hostile enterprize? and,

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