King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Dedication leaf and initial pages, 1 and 2

The online exhibition now begins.

The following webpages comprise an image of the page from the manuscript, in the order it appears in Young’s Essay, numbered and with a transcription of the text alongside. The transcription is placed on a white background. There are also explanatory notes accompanying the text and images reproduced from the Essay.

[page 1]

To The Kings
Most Excellent Majesty
This Report
“on the Commercial & Political Importance
“of His Majestys Island of Tobago”
Is most Respectfully submitted
By His Majestys
Ever Dutyfull Subject
and Faithfull Servant
Government House, Tobago
Oct. 23rd, 1810.

[page 2]

An Essay on the Commercial and Political
Importance of ye Island of Tabago.
By Sir Wm Young Bart Gov.
Octobr. 1810.

In this exhibition

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