King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Climate and geography, page 8

[page 8]

This extensive plain, is a singular contrast in Nature, to the
towering hills and broken and rumpled surface which imediately
on the confines of this level district, from coast to coast, and for
more than twenty miles to the Eastern Bluff head, of – ‘Gracias
a Dios’ (as named by Columbus) – exhibits a succession of difficult
passes and commanding stations, and in a military view, The strongest
Country possible:- Peaceable and undisturbed travellers must
wind round ravines, and up and down, The steeps of Hill by
zig-zags and circuitous paths:- and Troops will have every 
resource for defence, and for a war of Posts.- whatever Power possesses
and makes Tobago a place of armed Depôt, - will hold it sure 
against whatever attack.
               The Eastern bold Headland of Tobago, which juts forth as
the Southern promontory of the vast Bay, which indents and
divides the Continents of North and of South America, - as 
it meets and catches the Eastern Breeze or Tradewind, gives it
to the continuous mountain ridge, on the summit of which
passing westward, it freshens in force and temperature; and
as it thence rushes down the lateral ribs of Hill, it ventilates
the entire Island with a really delightfull,  as healthy breeze:
This combined with the frequent showers, from Clouds collecting
on the heights; and with the agitation of air from the many
rapid rivulets there having their source, - may in some degree

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