King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Climate and geography, continued, page 9

[page 9]

account, for a cooler and more salubrious climate in Tabago,
than might be expected in Latitude 11. – at my Government
house, two hours P.M. Farenheits Thermometer shows the 
the [sic] heat, to be in ordinary , from 80 to 82, and in the morning 
to be from 74 --  to 78. – I have not once in nearly 4 years
known the quick silver rise higher than to 86, - and this but 
rarely, and in the months of September and October.
That in Tabago, comparatively with Barbadoes, or
Antigua, Europeans enjoy a pleasant climate, I appeal to 
my late visitors, Admiral Sir Alexr. Cochrane, and B.General
Sir Charles Shipley; - that They enjoy an healthy climate,
I appeal to the military monthly returns. – in the year
1808, the Garrison consisting of 15 officers, and 360 men,
lost but one officer and 15 men; - and in the year 1809, - lost 
no officer, and only 14 men from 372, - or one man in 27.
This fact is so important, in recommendation of 
of [sic] Tobago, as a military station, that I shall authenticate
it by an insertion of the Garrison Returns.
On the median of 27 returned sick in Quarters or Hospital,
It is to be observd, that in the number are comprized worn out & 
invalid soldiers, with sore legs other chronical complaints, and
Other from Punishments – ‘unfit for Duty.’

These passages demonstrate some of the first instances in which Young displays his ability to paint a picture with words. The descriptive prose would not be out of place in a novel, but is also highly effective in this particular assessment of military matters relating to the island.

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