King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Young's Essay on Tobago|Conclusions|Suitability as a port for ships of war, page 42 

Suitability as a port for ships of war, page 42

[page 42]

to this essay, been shown to have in itself and from Nature,
all the Requisites for either purpose, which may cooperate with
the advantages of situation above describd, and advance our
estimation of its value and importance.
From the Account which has been given elucidated by
maps, and sketches from Nature;- It appears that even large
Fleets, arriving at Tobago, may commodiously be stationd in
Manowar Bay;- That ships may be there careend, refitted
and repaird, by fine Timber, the growth of the Country;- That
Troops may be there Quarterd in the most healthy situations;
-and soldiers & sailors be subsisted, from abundant fisheries,
and a fertile Country;- That the Bay is environd by a Country
so strong, as with little art of the engineer to be renderd
unassailable;- and that whilst heavy Batteries on the bold
Headlands may defy entrance and attack;- The winds and 
currents combine to facilitate the Sortie, and render Blockade
Impracticable:- lastly in manowar bay, is never to be apprehended
the most dangerous of all ennemies, to shipping in this Quarter
of the Globe,- the Rush and whirl of Hurricanes;- which in
the autumnal Season, menace destruction, to Buildings,

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