King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Young's Essay on Tobago|Conclusions|Revelations of an inside source, page 45 

Revelations of an inside source, page 45

[page 45]

-Having at the time some property in the Island, I availd myself
of the Treaty of Peace made with France in 1802, to visit Tobago
in the month of January following:- a recommendation, left
from Mr Otto, the French Plenipotentiary in London, having
preceded my arrival, I was received with favor and distinction
by the French Governor de Marguenat;- and He invited me to
accompany Him on a Tour of Inspection, & to Manowar Bay:
an officer of Rank, and Captain Michaud of the Engineers attended
us; and a Sloop of war coasted to meet us at the Bay.
        In result of the Communications on this journey, I learnt
-‘ that Mano’war Bay had been recommended to Special attention
by the military Council at Paris;- and that the Business of
this Party,- was, ‘accurately to sound the depths of water, and
nature of the ground for anchorage, in each part of the Bay;
-to take the elevations, & make plans of ye bordering Country;
-to mark the line of beach suitable for Docks and Quays; and
to select situations for all necessary public works, and in particular
for Barracks to accomodate seven Thousand Men.
       as a Subordinate resource for the intended erections, I
remember,’ it was suggested and minuted down,”- that

The 'inside source' Young has employed for much of his evidence in the Essay is named in these final passages - a revelation of sorts in the tradition of a fictional novel, other techniques of which Young employs to great effect.

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