Relative safety of the island, page 43
Young acknowledges Tobago as a relatively safe haven from hurricanes, but this positive benefit of settlement on the island is perhaps not emphasised enough, or effectively aligned with his other well-made arguments throughout the Essay.[page 43]
to Buildings, ships, and People, in all other Islands of the
west Indies; even the general & spreading Hurricane of
the year 1780,- which coverd the Land with ruins, and the
sea with wrecks, from the Bahamas, to Grenada & Barbadoes
-reachd no farther South, and spared Tobago;- It is not in
the memory of man, or on Record, or from Tradition, “That
this favord Isle ever sufferd by Hurricane.”
To avail of its advantages from Nature, and turn Tobago
to Imperial Account, undoubtedly Labor and Expense, must
in the first instance be employd, by the Government concernd:
-Docks and arsenals must be Built;- Batteries must be raisd;
-other works of service or defence be constructed;- and hospitals
and barracks be erected;- in brief,- to form a naval & military
establishment, the incidental charges must be incurrd.
In the Present state of Europe, and Policy of warfare widely
extending to every Quarter of the Globe, whilst- “ships, Colonies,
& Commerce” are most strenuously contended for, as the Sources
of wealth, and means of sustaining the Contests of Gt Britain
and France, for immediate interests and safety, at risque on
The very thresholds of their respective seats of power & Governments
In this exhibition
- Background information
- Gallery and transcription
- Introducing the Essay
- Natural resources of the island
- Tobago's relative position
- The Commercial & political importance of the island of Tobago
- The Commercial & political importance of the island, continued
- Port of enterprize and command, page 29
- Orinoco River, page 30
- Appeal to British merchants, page 31
- Historical political instability of the island, page 32
- The reach of the Orinoco River, page 33
- Potential trade agreements with Spain, page 34
- Further trade routes with South America, page 35
- Establishing the port of Courland, page 36
- Prospects of national advantage, page 37
- Conclusions
- Military significance of Man o' war Bay, page 38
- Further significances, page 39
- Military consensus, page 40
- French intentions for the island, page 41
- Suitability as a port for ships of war, page 42
- Relative safety of the island, page 43
- The necessity to prepare for conflict, page 44
- Revelations of an inside source, page 45
- Fas est, et ab hoste doceri, page 46
- Select bibliography