King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Military consensus, page 40

[page 40]

- for the Harbour cannot be blockaded.
    Repeating this assertion, I should candidly state,-‘ that one
Respectable officer commanding a sloop of war, with the Gloire
and two other H.M. Ships, in August 1810, examining the Coasts
and Soundings,- told me, -“that good anchorage had been found
“under shelter of the st Giles’s Rocks;- and that He thought, Guard
“Boats, might thence row during the night to watch the entrance
“of the Bay”:- The worthy Captain was not aware of the occasional
force of our Currents,- or He would justly have apprehended,-‘ that
He might never again see,- or Boat or Men!- it is but lately
that a Boat with nine able negroe sailors, belonging to Dr Warner
drifted to, and was first again heard of from, the Isle of Margarita:
The Currents have at times a force, which cannot be stemmd
by the Oar, and their occasional Eddies make a short, and
breaking wave, dangerous to boats:- as to the anchorage reported
I doubt not that the Ground is, as reported, good; and the
shelter, at the time taken,- sufficient;- But often the Trade
wind from ye open Ocean, blows a very gale, and the swell
round St Giles’s: Rock becomes tremendous;- The safety of the station
can be only occasional;- and I must yet retain the Opinion,
-“That Manowar Bay cannot be blockaded to effect.”

Young demonstrates in this passage that he has consulted with nautical experts, giving his arguments increased credibility.

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