King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago

Further significances, page 39

[page 39]

which designate it, as a station of Command,- and a Port
of enterprize, against whatever is assailable in ye Westindia Seas.
-    That,-‘ two degrees South of Barbadoes, and the exteriour
link of that Chain of Islands, which hence bending to the Nor-west
covers the vast Bay, which indents and divides the Americas;
-‘a Squadron from Europe, might reach Tobago, steering far South
of the usual track of voyage, nor meet or pass a Vessel, to Report
its force and destination;- and arriving, and arranging expeditions
in Mano’war Bay,- no Communication of the Armament
might reach any other Island, ‘till by its effects of Seizure & Conquest.
-    That,-‘ Manowar Bay is a station equally favorable for
Cruize, as for regular expeditions.
-    That,-‘ it is a fit rendezvous for preparation to bear down, on
any Squadron of the ennemy arriving in these seas;- and is
a Sure Asylum, on a retreat from superior Fleets, and for
the awaiting Reinforcement;- for the Headlands of the Bay being
properly fortified it cannot be attackd;- or more correctly speaking,
-It is safe from attack,- if any place, of strongest Defence by
Nature, when Improved by Art,- can so be safe:- at the same time
ships, to which the Harbour is appropriate, may have at all
seasons a passage open to go forth;- or to resume the station:

The bullet points included in this part of Young's Essay and the directness of his address to the reader emphatically relay the major points that he has made throughout the work. It is easy to imagine this address as an emphatic speech that one might hear in the Houses of Parliament.

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