King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Young's Essay on Tobago|Conclusions|French intentions for the island, page 41 

French intentions for the island, page 41

[page 41]

In this view of Its importance during periods of war,- the
Island of Tobago, was reported by the late Marquis de Bouillie,
and the Report attended to, by the minister of Louis the 16th 
in 1782:- myself was officially employd at Paris in the nego= 
=ciations, then pending;- and I am convincd, that it was under
impressions of the political uses to made of the Island, suggest’d
by that able Officer,- The Sovereignty of Tabago was by France
then Insisted on, and made an article of the Definitive Treaty
in the year 1783;--- and to my own knowledge, (as I shall briefly
shew)- this view of the Importance of Tobago, for the holding
and extending, Dominion in the west India Seas, has not
been lost sight of, by the Great Military Genius which rules
the Empire of France, in the year 1810.
          Surely the projected uses of the possession intended by
France, should make great Britain cautious of ye Surrender!-
         Whether in the consideration of commercial or of Political
purposes;- of relative locality of circumstances favorable to,
friendly intercourse;- or to Hostile expedition;-- whether
regarding Tobago, as a Depôt of Trade;- or as a Post of Command
and Enterprize;- the Island has, in the descriptive introduction

Colonial rivalry with France is a point of continuity and reference throughout the Essay; and Young’s praise of the ‘Great Military Genius’ (Napoleon) and his and France’s designs on Tobago, demonstrate the island’s strategic importance is at least one issue that these rival powers agree on.

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