King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Young's Essay on Tobago
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Young's Essay on Tobago|Conclusions|Military significance of Man o' war Bay, page 38 

Military significance of Man o' war Bay, page 38

[page 38]

‘Mano’war Bay – on the North side of Tobago, and 
near to its eastern Headland, is in Lat: 11-16#-Long: 60-29.# W.G.
   Noting the Bearings of Tobago to other Islands & Countries,
and observing the Trade winds, as prevalent at different seasons of
the year,- It Appears----------
-    That,-‘ a Square-riggd Vessel may sail, to and fro’ between
Tobago & the mouth of ye Oronooko, with the wind on the Beam.
-    That,-‘ Tobago, distant only seven leagues, and directly to
Windward of Trinidad, is the port of Command, and the very
Key of that Important Island.
-    That,-‘ westward a Force from Tabago, might suddenly bear
down, on the northern line of settlements of South America, on
Cumana and ulterior Provinces within the Bay, and hold at
mercy, the Islands of Margarita and Curaçoa.
-    That,-‘ Tobago, laying to windward of all the Antilles, with
The exception of Barbadoes,- a Squadron might run from Manowar
Bay, with the Wind on the Quarter, for any other west india
Island,- the object of Protection, or of Conquest.
-    That,-‘ with the Advantages of a windward situation, Tabago
has others in point of Latitude, and relative Position, which

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