King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Voyage to Madagascar: Thomas Locke Lewis and the Anglo-Merina Treaty of 1817

Select bibliography

Select bibliography and sources

  • Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1830 to 1837 inclusive. Vol. III. 1830 to 1837. London: Richard and John E Taylor, 1838
  • David Arnold. ‘Introduction: Tropical medicine before Manson’ in Warm climates and western medicine: the emergence of tropical medicine, 1500–1900, ed. by David Arnold, Second ed, part of Clio Media 35 The Wellcome Institute series in the history of medicine. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi b. v., 2003), pp 1-19
  • Gregory A Barton. Informal empire and the rise of one world culture. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies series, General eds, R Drayton and S Dubow. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
  • British Museum. Af1960,20.83.a-b. Basket; lid, raffia palm leaf, possibly produced during the mid-nineteenth century.
  • British Museum. 1906,1103.3720.‘Coin’, silver, possibly of Spanish origin
  • The Conversation. ‘How the Banjar people of Borneo became ancestors of the Malagasy and Comorian people’ (2018), [] accessed 12 August 2020
  • Édouard Guillon. Histoire des colonies Françaises. Paris: Charavay, Mantoux & Martin, 1892
  • HG Hart. The new annual army List, for 1841. With an index. London: John Murray, 1841
  • James Hastie. Diary of James Hastie [manuscript]. 1820 [FCDO Historical Collection FOL. DT469.M31 MAD]
  • Hottentot Venus’, The Wellcome Collection, Printed in Chester by J. Fletcher
  • The journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume of the fifth. 1835. London: John Murray, 1835
  • Zoë Laidlaw. Colonial connections, 1815–45 Patronage, the information revolution and colonial government. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2005
  • Pier M Larson. ‘A cultural politics of bedchamber construction and progressive dining in Antananarivo: ritual inversions during the fandroana of 1817’ in Ancestors, power & history in Madagascar, ed by Karen Middleton. Leiden: Brill, 1999, pp 37-70
  • Madagascar Library. Radama I Postage Stamp (2004), portrait by Philippe-Auguste Ramanankirahina, ID Code – 3526
  • McLeod, Lyons, Madagascar and its people. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1865
  • Malyn Newitt. ‘Madagascar and the African Diaspora’ in The African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean, ed by Shihan de S Jayasuriya and Richard Pankhurst. Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2003), pp 81-98
  • Jean René, ‘To His Excellency Governor Farquhar, commander in chief of the island of Mauritius [manuscript]’, Letter dated Oct. 10th, 1820 [FCDO Historical Collection FOL. DT469.M31 MAD]
  • Tor Sellström. Africa in the Indian Ocean Islands in ebb and flow. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2015
  • John Weiler. ‘Colonial connections: Royal Engineers and building technology transfer in the nineteenth century’, Construction history, 12 (1996), 3-18

Principal sources cited by Lewis

Some of these works went through multiple editions. Where it has been possible to identify the specific edition consulted by Lewis, the bibliographic details given are for that edition. Otherwise, details given are for the first published edition.

  • Jacques-Julien Houtou de la Billardière. Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse: fait par ordre de l'Assemblée Constituante, pendant les années 1791, 1792, et pendant la 1ère et la 2e année de la République Françoise. Paris: H J Jansen, 1799
  • Jacob Bryant. Observations upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians: to which is shewn the peculiarity of those judgments , and their correspondence with the rites and idolatry of that  people. London: printed for the author, and sold by T Cadell, and P Elmsly, and T Payne, 1794
  • Claudius Buchanan. The works of the Rev Claudius Buchanan, LLD., comprising his Christian researches in Asia, his Memoir on the expediency of an ecclesiastical establishment for British India, and his Star in the East, with three new sermons. New York: Whiting & Watson, 1812
  • Herman Lopez de Castañeda. Historia del descubrimiento y conquista dela India por los Portugueses. Antwerp: Martin Nucio, 1554
  • James Cook. A voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world. London: printed for W Strahan and T Cadell, 1777 
  • Mary Cornwallis. Observations, critical, explanatory, and practical, on the Canonical Scriptures. London: Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1817
  • Robert Drury. Madagascar, or, Robert Drury’s journal, during fifteen years captivity on that island. London: printed and sold by W Meadows, J Marshall, T Worrall and by the author, 1729
  • George Foster. An accurate account of entertaining travels in Cashmeer in 1783. Calcutta: [sn], [ca 1783] 
  • Matthew Flinders. A voyage to Terra Australis: undertaken for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, and prosecuted in the years 1801, 1802, and 1803. London: printed by W Bulmer and published by G & W Nicol, 1814
  • John Franklin. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea in the years 1819-20-21-22. Third edition. London: John Murray, 1824
  • Joseph John Freeman and David Johns. A narrative of the persecution of the Christians in Madagascar; with details of the escape of six Christian refugees now in England. London: J Snow, 1840
  • Thomas Harmer. Observations on divers passages of Scripture:  placing many of them in a light altogether new; ascertaining the meaning of several not determinable by the methods commonly made use of by the learned. London: J Johnson, 1776
  • Jean Baptiste Lajardière. Voyage d’Afrique. In: Gilles Bouchard de la Richarderie. Bibliothèque universelle des voyages, ou,  Notice complète et raisonnée de tous les voyages anciens et modernes dans les différentes parties du monde. Tome 4. Paris: chez Treuttel et Würtz, 1808
  • Carl von Linné. Lachesis lapponica, or, A tour in Lapland: now first published from the original manuscript journal of the celebrated Linnaeus; by James Edward Smith. London: printed for White and Cochrane, by Richard Taylor and Co, 1811 
  • Thomas Pennant. Of London. London: printed for Robert Faulder, 1790
  • Jean François de Galaup la Pérouse. A voyage round the world: in the years 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788 … translated from the French. London: printed for J Johnson, 1798
  • James Cowles Prichard. The natural history of man: comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family. London: H Baillière, 1843 
  • Carl Peter Thunberg. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia: performed between the years 1770 and 1779. London: W Richardson, 1793-95
  • Sir George Pretyman Tomline. Elements of Christian theology: containing, proofs of the authenticity and inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, a summary of the history of the Jews, a brief statement of the contents of the several books of the Old and New Testaments, a short account of the English translations of the Bible, and of the liturgy of the Church of England, and a scriptural exposition of the thirty-nine articles of religion. London: printed for Cadell and Davies, 1799 
  • Sir Robert Wilson. History of the British expedition to Egypt: to which is subjoined a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence. London: T Egerton, 1802

Periodical articles with the manuscript

  • Hull packet and Humber mercury. Hull, 20 November 1825. ‘Literary and Philosophical Society’.
  • The mirror. 16 January 1836.
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