King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
The printed page

Select bibliography

  • Caroline Archer-Parré and Malcolm Dick (eds). John Baskerville: art and industry in the Enlightenment.  Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2017
  • Thomas Bewick. Memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself.  London: Centaur Press, 1961
  • David Bland. A history of book illustration. London: Faber, 1958
  • British Library, ‘Chapbooks’, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • Consortium of European Research Libraries., ‘CERL, Material Evidence in Incunabula project’ [, accessed 3 March 2018]
  • Paul FS Cornelius, ‘White, Benjamin (c. 1725–1794), publisher’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • John Carter [et al]. Printing and the mind of man: a descriptive catalogue illustrating the impact of print on the evolution of Western civilization during five centuries. London: Cassell, 1967
  • Theresa Deane, ‘Twining, Elizabeth (1805–1889), botanic artist and social reformer’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • Duke University Libraries, ‘Animated Anatomies’, [, accessed 18 February 2018]
  • Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose (eds). A companion to the history of the book. Chichester: Wiley / Blackwell, 2010
  • Lucien Febvre. The coming of the book. London: Verso, 2010
  • Janet Ing Freeman. ‘Whittingham, Charles (1767–1840), printer.’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, [, accessed 23 February 2018]
  • Janet Ing Freeman, ‘Whittingham, Charles (1795–1876), printer’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • Philip Gaskell. A new introduction to bibliography. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972
  • Phyllis Hartnoll and Peter Found. The concise Oxford companion to the theatre, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • Peter Isaac, ‘Bensley, Thomas (bap. 1759, d. 1835), printer’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • Kristian Jensen (ed). Incunabula and their readers: printing, selling and using books in the fifteenth century. London: British Library, 2003
  • Fiona MacCarthy. William Morris: a life for our time. London: Faber, 1994
  • William S Peterson. A bibliography of the Kelmscott Press. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984
  • Henry Plomer. A dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725. London: Printed for the Bibliographical Society by Oxford University Press, 1922
  • James Raven. The business of books. Yale University Press, 2007 [, accessed 1 March 2018]
  • Royal College of Surgeons Library, ‘Art and Science meet: George Spratt (1784-1840) – Obstetric tables, comprising Graphic Illustrations…’, [, accessed 18 February 2018]
  • SH Steinberg. Five hundred years of printing. New edition, revised by John Trewit. London: British Library, 1996
  • Jenny Uglow. Nature’s engraver: a life of Thomas Bewick. London: Faber, 2006
  • Hendrik DL Vervliet. French Renaissance printing types: a conspectus. London: Bibliographical Society and Printing Historical Society; New Castle (Delaware): Oak Knoll Press, 2010 
  • Bernard Warrington, ‘Pickering, William (1796–1854), publisher and bookseller’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, [, accessed 1 March 2018]
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