King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
The printed page

Der Anti-Nazi

Cover of Der Anti-NaziCover of Der Anti-NaziWith increasing levels of persecution following Hitler’s rise to power, many Jewish groups became involved in anti-Nazi work.

Featured here is a rare copy of the Anti-Nazi, a handbook of facts and material for refuting Nazi claims and anti-Semitic propaganda. It was produced in 1930 by the Büro Wilhelmstrasse, a clandestine office of the Central Union of German Citizens of Jewish Faith.

Recognising that the Nazi Party was an entirely new type of political movement, the office collected as much material by and about the Nazis as possible so that methods could be devised to fight the new threat.

The result was a booklet containing summaries of Nazi policies and ideology accompanied by counter-arguments to be used against them.

The Anti-Nazi was published as a collection of loose leaves in a cardboard portfolio; the unusual format was designed for flexibility and easy access during public meetings.

The Büro Wilhelmstrasse was the forerunner of the Wiener Library in London, founded for the collection and dissemination of material relating to the Holocaust and Nazi Germany.

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