King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Sleeping Beauty and Mother Bunch: female figures in 18th century chapbooks

Select bibliography

Primary Sources:

Cambridge jests, or Wit’s recreation. London: printed and sold in London, 1775  [Rare books collection PR2065.M6 HIS]

The history of Mother Bunch of the west. London: printed and sold in London, 1775 [Rare books collection PR2065.M6 HIS]

The history of the seven wise mistresses of Rome. London: printed and sold in London, 1780? [Rare books collection PR2065.C4 ROM]

The history of Valentine and Orson. London: printed and sold in London, 1795? [Rare books collection PR2065.V3 FAM]

The life and death of Long Meg of Westminster. London: printed and sold in London, 1760?, [Rare books collection PR2065.G8 TRA]

The sleeping beauty in the wood: a tale. Wotton-under-Edge: Printed and sold at the Printing-Office, near the Market-Place, in Wotton-under-edge, 1790 [Rare books collection PR2065.C4 FAM]

Youth's warning piece, or, The tragical history of George Barnwell. London: Printed and sold in London, 1770 [Rare Books Collection PR2065.B3 ADV]

And other Penny histories 

Secondary Sources:

Elizabeth Appleton. Private education: or, a Practical plan for the studies of young ladies: with an address to parents, private governesses, and young ladies. London: Henry Colburn, 1816 [Rare Books Collection *classmark], 

John Ashton, Chap-books of the eighteenth Century. Chatto and Windus, 1882

David Atkinson and Steve Roud. Cheap print and the people: European perspectives on popular literature. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019 

Katherine Barber Fromm. Images of women in eighteenth century English chapbooks, from banal bickering to fragile females. Iowa State University, 2000

Simone Chess, ‘Woodcuts: methods and meanings of ballad illustration,’ England Ballad Archive, University of California Santa Barbra, 2007. 

Patricia Fumerton. 'Not home: alehouses, ballads, and the vagrant husband in early modern England, Journal of medieval and early modern studies, 32, Duke University Press, 2002

WF Gallaway, ‘The conservative attitude toward fiction, 1770-1830,’ PMLA 55, no. 4, 1940 

Theresa A Gerrard, Unearthing the English common reader: working-class reading habits. England 1850-1914, PhD diss., University of Luton, 2004. 

Victor Neuberg, Chapbooks: a guide to reference material on English, Scottish and American chapbook literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. London: The Woburn Press, 1974

Lori Newcomb, 'What is a chapbook?' in M Dimmock & A Hadfield (eds), Literature and popular culture in early modern England. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2009

Susan Pederson, 'Hannah More meets Simple Simon: tracts, chapbooks, and popular culture in late eighteenth-century England’, Journal of British Studies, 25, no. 1, 1986

Ruth Richardson, ‘Chapbooks’. [], accessed 15/03/2023

François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon, Instructions for the education of a daughter. London: printed for Jonah Bowyer, 1708 [Rare books collection PQ1795 In7] 

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