King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Representing the unfamiliar: Photography in the British Empire 1866-1938


  • Duncan Bell. ‘The idea of a patriot queen? The monarchy, the constitution, and the iconographic order of greater Britain, 1860-1900’, Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 34 (2006), 3-21
  • Carolyn Brown. ‘Race and the construction of working-class masculinity in the Nigerian coal industry: the initial phase, 1914-1930’, International labor and working-class history, 69 (2006), 35-56
  • David Cannadine. Ornamentalism: how the British saw their empire. London: Penguin, 2002
  • Sabine Clarke. Science at the end of the empire: experts and the development of the British Caribbean 1940-62. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2018
  • Joseph Conrad. Heart of darkness. New York: Norton, 2017
  • John Darwin. ‘Imperialism and the Victorians’, English historical review 112 (1997), 614-42
  • Donald Denoon, ‘Australia and the Western Pacific’ in Andrew Porter (ed.) The Oxford history of the British Empire: volume III: the nineteenth century, p 563.
  • John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson. ‘The imperialism of free trade’, Economic history review 6 (1953), 1-15
  • Eric Hobsbawm and Terrence Ranger (eds.). The invention of tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983
  • Adam Hochschild. King Leopold’s ghost: a story of greed, terror and heroism in colonial Africa. London: Pan, 2012
  • P Levine. ‘Naked natives and noble savages: the cultural work of nakedness in imperial Britain’ in Barry Crosbie and Mark Hampton eds., The cultural construction of the British world. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016
  • John Mackenzie. ‘Comfort and conviction: a response to Bernard Porter’, Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history 36, (2008), 659-668
  • John Mackenzie. The empire of nature. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988
  • Colin Newbury. ‘Patrons, clients, and empire: the subordination of indigenous hierarchies in Asia and Africa’, Journal of world history 11 (2000), 227-63
  • G. Le G. Norgate, revised by H. C. G. Matthew. ‘Barttelot, Sir Walter Barttelot, first baronet (1820–1893), politician.’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. May 25, 2006. Oxford University Press,<, accessed 1 April 2019>
  • Susan Pederson. ‘I want to love it: Eric Hobsbawm: A life in history by Richard J Evans’, London review of books, 41.8, (April 2019)
  • Bernard Porter. ‘Further thoughts on imperial absent-mindedness’, Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history 36 (2008), 101-17
  • R Price. ‘One big thing: Britain, its empire, and their imperial culture’, Journal of British studies 45 (2006), 602-27
  • James Ryan. Picturing empire: photography and the geographical imagination. London: Reaktion, 1997
  • Saul Dubow. ‘How British was the British world? The case of South Africa’, Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history 37 (2009), 1-27
  • Edward Said. Culture and imperialism. London: Vintage Books, 1994
  • Edward Said. Orientalism. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979
  • Berny Sèbe. ‘Exhibiting the empire in print: the press, the publishing world and the promotion of ‘Greater Britain’ in John McAleer and John M. Mackenzie, eds., Exhibiting the empire. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2015, 168-193
  • HA Smith. ‘Clifford, Sir Bede Edmund Hugh (1890–1969), colonial governor.’ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. September 23, 2004. Oxford University Press.<, accessed 24 March 2019>
  • Sarah Stockwell. The business of decolonisation: British business strategy in the Gold Coast. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000
  • Helen Tilley. Africa as a living laboratory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011
  • Kathleen Vongsathorn (2012) ‘Gnawing pains, festering ulcers and nightmare suffering: selling leprosy as a humanitarian cause in the British Empire, c. 1890–1960, The Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history, 40:5 (2012), 869
  • Winks, R, and Low, A, eds. The Oxford history of the British Empire. Volume V: Historiography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999
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