Select bibliography
- Katherine Angel, Edgar Jones and Michael Neve (eds.) European psychiatry on the eve of war: Aubrey Lewis, the Maudsley Hospital, and the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1930s. (Medical History, Supplement No. 22). London: The Wellcome Trust for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2003
- German Berrios and Roy Porter (eds.) A history of clinical psychiatry: the origins and history of psychiatric disorders. London; Brunswick, NJ: Athlone Press, 1995
- German Berrios and Hugh Freeman (eds.) 150 years of British psychiatry, 1841-1991. London: Gaskell: Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1991
- Tom Burns. Psychiatry: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006
- Joan Busfield. Managing madness: changing ideas and practice. London: Hutchinson, 1986
- WF Bynum, Roy Porter and Michael Shepherd (eds.). The anatomy of madness: essays in the history of psychiatry. London: Tavistock Publications, 1985
- Phil Fennell. Treatment without consent: law, psychiatry and the treatment of mentally disordered people since 1845. London; New York: Routledge, 1996
- Stanley Finger. Minds behind the brain: a history of the pioneers and their discoveries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000
- Michel Foucault. Madness and civilization: a history of insanity in the age of reason. London: Routledge, 1989
- Leonard Roy Frank (ed.). The history of shock treatment. San Francisco: the editor, 1978
- Hugh Freeman and German Berrios (eds.) 150 years of British psychiatry: volume II, the aftermath. London; Atlantic Highlands, NJ : Athlone Press, 1996
- Charles Coulston Gillispie (ed.) Dictionary of scientific biography. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1975
- Jan Goldstein. Console and classify: the French psychiatric profession in the nineteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987
- Jan Goldstein, ‘Psychiatry’, in W. F. Bynum and Roy Porter (eds.) Companion encyclopedia to the history of medicine. London: Routledge, 1993
- Jeffrey A Gray. Pavlov. London: Fontana, 1979
- Gerald N Grob. Mental illness and American society, 1875-1940. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1983
- LS Hearnshaw. A short history of British psychology, 1840-1940. London: Methuen, 1964
- LS Jacyna. ‘Somatic theories of mind and the interests of medicine in Britain, 1850-1879’.Medical history, 26(3), 1982, p.233-58
- Edgar Jones and Simon Wessely. Shell shock to PTSD: military psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf War. Hove; New York: Psychology Press, 2005
- Kathleen Jones. Asylums and after: a revised history of the mental health services from the early 19th century to the 1990s. London: Athlone Press, 1993
- Daniel J Kevles. In the name of eugenics: genetics and the uses of humanheredity. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press, 1995
- Peter Leese. Shell shock: traumatic neurosis and the British soldiers of the First World War. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002
- Aubrey Lewis. Inquiries in psychiatry: essays and addresses. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967
- Michael O’Shea. The brain: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005
- Janet Oppenheim. ‘Shattered nerves’: doctors, patients and depression in Victorian England. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003
- Daniel Pick. Faces of degeneration: a European disorder, c. 1848-c. 1918. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989
- Roy Porter. The greatest benefit to mankind: a medical history of humanity from antiquity to the present. London: Harper Collins, 1997
- Roy Porter. Madmen: a social history of madhouses, mad-doctors and lunatics. London: Tempus, 2004
- EH Reynolds. ‘Robert Bentley Todd’s electrical theory of epilepsy’. Epilepsia, 46(7), 2005, p.991-4
- EH Reynolds. ‘Todd, Faraday, and the electrical basis of epilepsy’. Epilepsia, 45(8), 2004, p.985-92
- EH Reynolds . ‘Todd, Hughlings Jackson, and the electrical basis of epilepsy’. The Lancet, 358, 2001, p.575-7
- Andrew Scull (ed.) Madhouses, mad-doctors and madmen: the social history of psychiatry in the Victorian era. London: Athlone Press, 1981
- Andrew Scull. The most solitary of afflictions: madness and society in Britain, 1700-1900. New Haven, NJ; London: Yale University Press, 1993.
- Andrew Scull. Madhouse: a tragic tale of megalomania and modern medicine. New Haven, NJ; London: Yale University Press, 2005 (about Henry A. Cotton)
- Andrew Scull, Charlotte MacKenzie and Nicholas Hervey. Masters of Bedlam: the transformation of the mad-doctoring trade. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996
- Ben Shephard. A war of nerves: soldiers and psychiatrists in the twentieth century. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2001
- Michael Shepherd. ‘A representative psychiatrist: the career and contributions of Sir Aubrey Lewis’. American journal of psychiatry, 134(1), 1977. p.7-13
- Edward Shorter. A history of psychiatry from the era of the asylum to the age of Prozac. Chichester: John Wiley, 1997
- Edward Shorter. An historical dictionary of psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005
- Elaine Showalter. The female malady: women, madness and English culture. London: Virago, 1985
- Roger Smith. ‘The background of physiological psychology in natural philosophy’. History of science, 11(2), 1973, p. 75-123
- Owsei Temkin. The falling sickness: a history of epilepsy from the Greeks to the beginnings of modern neurology. Baltimore; London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973
- Daniel P Todes. Pavlov’s physiology factory: experiment, interpretation, laboratory enterprise.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002
- Stephen Trombley. ‘All that summer she was mad’: Virginia Woolf andher doctors. London: Junction Books, 1981
- Alexander Walk. ‘Medico-psychologists, Maudsley and the Maudsley’. British journal of psychiatry, 128, 1976, p.19-30
- Robert M Young. Mind, brain and adaptation in the nineteenth century: cerebral localization and its biological context from Gall to Ferrier. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970
In this exhibition
- The first neurologists
- Robert Bentley Todd and neuroscience
- The origins of modern neuroscience
- The first alienists
- From alienism to psychiatry
- War psychiatry
- Aubrey Lewis
- Hilda Lewis
- Select bibliography