King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Ploughing the sea: Latin America observed

Latin America observed

Latin America has long attracted the attention of writers and artists from Europe and North America. Some have been drawn by its varied and dramatic natural landscapes, from the icy peaks of the Andes to the equatorial rainforests of the Amazon and the lunar barrenness of the Atacama Desert, and by the exotic flora and fauna to be found there. Others have explored the ruins of its ancient civilisations or its more recent history of political instability and violence. All have been captivated by the disconcerting juxtaposition of the alien and the familiar generated by the intertwining of the sub-continent's indigenous history and culture with that of its European conquerors and settlers.

In the last two sections of this exhibition we explore some of the works in which observers have recorded their fascination with Latin America.

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