King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Hidden voices of Empire

Select bibliography

Principal sources 

  • Great Britain. Central Office of Information. East Africa tackles the land problem: set of 12 plates. London: Central Office of Information, 1953 [FCDO Historical Collection OVERSIZE DAII GRE] 
  • If you ask me…” London: Colonial Office, 1952-65 [FCDO Historical Collection Periodicals] 
  • Nigeria. London: published by the Governement of Nigeria, 1936-? [FCDO Historical Collection Periodicals] 
  • Uganda review. Entebbe: printed by the Government Printer, 1950-55 [FCDO Historical Collection Periodicals] 
  • West African annual. Zaria, Nigeria: Gaskiya Corporation, 1949-1960 [FCDO Historical Collection Periodicals]
  • ACA Wright, ‘A footnote to East African History’, African affairs, 46 (1947), 97-101

Secondary sources

  • Michelle Bournonniere, ‘Ripple effects: the groundnut scheme failure and railway planning for colonial development in Tanganyika, 1947-1952’, Canadian journal of African studies, 47 (2013), 365-83 
  • Michael Havinden and David Meredith. Colonialism and development: Britain and its tropical colonies, 1850-1960. London: Taylor & Francis, 1993. 
  • Dorothy L Hodgson, ‘Taking stock: state control, ethnic identity and pastoralist development in Tanganyika, 1948-1958’, Journal of African history, 41 (2001), 55-78
  • Gerold Krozewski, ‘Sterling, the “minor” territories, and the end of formal empire, 1939-1958’, Economic history review, XLVI (1993), 239-65
  • WR Louis and R Robinson, ‘The imperialism of decolonization’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth history, 22 (1994), 462-512 
  • Terri Ochiagha, ‘EH Duckworth’s Clean-up Lagos campaigns: the political use of ex-centric colonial discourse on African dirt’, Social Dynamics, 44 (2018), 21-37
  • Walter Rodney. How Europe underdeveloped Africa. London: Bogle-LÓuverture, 1972.
  • Sarah Stockwell The business of decolonization: British business strategies in the Gold Coast. Oxford: OUP, 2000.
  • NJ White, ‘Reconstructing Europe through rejuvenating empire: the British, French, and Dutch experiences compared’, Past and present, 210 (2011), 211-36
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