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Involvement in decision making and other activities

Photograph of an assistant surveyor at workThe survey training school at Katabi, Uganda. An assistant surveyor at workMaking decisions

As the African colonies moved increasingly towards full self-determination, there is also occasional evidence of African men exercising some (limited) level of power in development.

For example, the 1954 West African annual reminds readers that around half of the members of the Nigerian Cotton Marketing Board were themselves Nigerians. Likewise, development projects under consideration in Uganda included one suggested ‘by an African farmer for the development of a dairy farm in Buganda’.

Other activities

The successful development of education, particularly at the Engineering School of the Public Works Department, also offered African students the chance to get involved in sport, which they seemed to take up enthusiastically.

The school football team has done very well since starting to play the strong Kampala sides … Four students, Temaligwe, Zake, Ocaya, and Kalibala, are in training with the trialists for the Uganda Gossage Cup Team. Temaligwe and Zake have already represented Uganda … there is also boxing, athletics, cricket and hockey.

The students also held ‘debates, film shows and lectures by a member of the British Council’.

The image reproduced here shows the Survey Training School at Katabi, Uganda.

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