King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
‘A brighter Hellas’: rediscovering Greece in the 19th century

Remarkable Venetian Bridge near Arta

Lithographed view of bridge beside a large leafy tree, with a group of figures in the foreground holding weaponsRemarkable Venetian Bridge near Arta"A mile distant from the town is a curious specimen of architecture, affording a striking recollection of the power of the Venetians. It is in tolerable preservation, but yet issufficiently ruinous to cause some nervous sensations in crossing over the highest arch, which is at an acute angle, and sixty or seventy feet in height; besides, the rugged pavement and inequality of the arches form a very rough causeway on a wet day. A magnificent plane tree, the trunk of which measures thirty-six feet in circumference, on the town side, yields the most agreeable shade to the traveller in the hot season."

From a description by the artist, George de la Poer Beresford.

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