King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Highlights of the FCDO periodicals collection

Further reading

  1. Jenifer Curnow, Ngapare Hopa and Jane McRae. Rere Atu, Taku Mau!: Discovering History Language and Politics in the Maori Language Newspapers 1842-1933 Auckland, Auckland University Press, 2002
  2. Lachlan Paterson, Ng? reo o ng?niupepa: M?ori language newspapers 1855-1863. PhD thesis, University of Otago. 2004
  4. Lachy Paterson. Colonial Discourses: Niupepa Maori 1855-1863. Dunedin: Otago University Press,2006

Also of interest

  1. Sir George Grey. Ko nga whakapepeha me nga whakaahuareka a nga tipuna o aotea-roa Proverbial and popular sayings of the ancestors of the New Zealand race Cape Town : Saul Solomon & Co., Steam Printing Office,1857. [FCDO Historical Collection PN6519.M35GRE]
  2. Sir George Grey. Maori mementos :being a series of addresses presented by the native people to His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.R.S., Governor and High Commissioner of the Cape of Good Hope and late Governor of New Zealand : with introductory remarks and explanatory notes : to which is added a small collection of laments, & c Auckland : Printed by Williamson and Wilson,1855 [FCDO Historical Collection DU423.A1 DAV]
  3. Sir George Grey. Ko nga moteatea, me nga hakirara o nga Maori :he mea kohikohi mai Poems, traditions, and chaunts of the Maories Wellington, N.Z. : Printed by Robert Stokes,1853 [FCDO Historical Collection PL6465.Z77GRE]
  4. Joseph Earle Ollivant. Hine Moa, the Maori maiden London ; Oxford : A.R. Mowbray, [187-?]. [FCDO Historical Collection DU423.A1OLL]
  5. John White. The ancient history of the Maori : his mythology and traditionsKo nga tatai korero whakapapa a te Maori me nga karakia o nehe Wellington : George Didsbury, Government Printer,1887-90. [FCDO Historical Collection DU423.A1WHI]
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