King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’

16. & 17. Byron’s collection of Waterloo spoils (objects and livret)

Private collection and NLS Ms.43545, page 1

Byron’s collection of Waterloo spoils including  a French soldier's shot and cap badge.Byron’s collection of Waterloo spoils. Private collection.These spoils were collected by Byron from the field of Waterloo during his visit on 4 May 1816, and include a French soldier’s shot and cap badge and the livret of Louis Marie Joseph Monsigny, 43 Regiment of Line. That day Byron composed 26 stanzas, including ones on Waterloo, for Canto III of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.

He wrote to Murray on 15 February 1817: ‘As the Waterloo spoils are arrived – I will make you a present of them – if you choose to accept them – pray do.’

Page 1 of livretLivret. NLS Ms.43545, page 1

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