King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’

22. Bill for a Napoleonic snuff box, 7 November 1818

NLS Ms.43553

Bill, in manuscript, for various items including a Napoleonic snuff box, dated 7 November.Bill for a Napoleonic snuff box, 7 November 1818. NLS Ms.43553In 1818 John Murray purchased from the jeweller, Love, a Napoleonic snuff box featuring the Emperor, his wife and son, which he presented to Byron. It is described in the bill as ‘A rich chased gold Snuff Box with fine Enamel paintings of Napoleon Maria Louisa & the King of Rome £105.’

Unfortunately for Murray, Byron repeatedly forgot who had given him this expensive gift, and when he was raising funds to support his revolutionary efforts in Greece this and other snuff boxes were sold off.

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