King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’

37. The Two Foscari. An historical tragedy

NLS T.37.f.3

Cover of play with a wood-engraved illustration showing a man lying on the ground in the foreground with a female figure pointing towards two men in the background.The Two Foscari. An historical tragedy. Dicks’ Standard Plays. London: J Dicks, 1877. NLS T.37.f.3J Dicks published over 1,000 cheap editions of plays, each including a light cover and an illustration. These included Byron’s Cain, Manfred, Werner, Sardanapalus, The Deformed Transformed, Marino Faliero and The Two Foscari, and also a Don Juan, described as ‘a romantic drama, in three acts, founded on Lord Byron’s celebrated poem.’

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