King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’|Italy: politics, patriotism & plays|31. & 32. Playbill for a performance of Marino Faliero, 1821, with accompanying letter defending the performance 

31. & 32. Playbill for a performance of Marino Faliero, 1821, with accompanying letter defending the performance

NLS Ms.43396

Playbill for a performance of Marino Faliero at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 1821 (left-hand side) with accompanying letter defending the performance (right-hand side).Playbill for a performance of Marino Faliero at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 1821, with accompanying letter defending the performance. NLS Ms.43396This playbill included a letter defending the performance against the objections of author and publisher. Against the charge that the work was unsuited to the stage it was claimed that ‘the effect produced on the Audience … may sufficiently speak. No impression could have been more forcible: no applause more genuine, or perfect.’

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