King's College London
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Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’|Greece: Hellenism & heroism|43. Letter to Byron from the London Greek Committee, 8 March 1823 

43. Letter to Byron from the London Greek Committee, 8 March 1823

NLS Ms.43530

The London Greek Committee met for the first time at the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand (on the corner of Arundel Street, close to the site now occupied by King’s College London’s Strand Campus). One of its prominent members was Byron’s old friend Hobhouse. At that meeting it was agreed that Byron should be asked to lend his ‘kind and cordial support in this good cause’ and allow his name to be added to the list of supporters.

The letter shown is the earliest in date of several addressed by members of the Committee to Byron. Overleaf it lists the 25 members who had signed up by that date.

London 8th March 1823
Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand

My Lord
I have the pleasure to inform you that several Friends of the Greeks have met together for the purpose of advancing by all the means in their power that most important Cause.

It is their primary wish to give action and effect to that sympathy which they have reason to believe is very widely diffused over the Country, and on this ground they venture to calculate on your cooperation, and to hope that you will allow your name to be added to the Committee, a List of whom accompanies this.

I have the honor to be My Lord,
Your obedt humble Servant.

Wm Smith
In the Chair

P.S. The Committee will be obliged by an early answer addressed to To the Chairman of the Greek Committee “at the Crown and Anchor, Strand”

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