King's College London
Exhibitions & Conferences
Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’|Greece: Hellenism & heroism|52. Translation of the funeral oration delivered in Greek by M Spiridon Tricoupi ... in honour of the late Lord Byron 

52. Translation of the funeral oration delivered in Greek by M Spiridon Tricoupi ... in honour of the late Lord Byron

NLS Ms.43551

Byron’s death from fever, in Missolonghi, on 19 April 1824 caused an outpouring of grief. A eulogy was spoken over his body by the prominent citizen and future historian of the Revolution, Spyridon Trikoupis (Spiridion Tricoupis). His words of despair were echoed throughout Greece.

UNLOOKED-FOR event! Deplorable misfortune! But a short time has elapsed since the people of this deeply suffering country, welcomed with unfeigned joy and open arms this celebrated individual to their bosoms: to-day, overwhelmed with grief and despair they mourn over his funeral couch.

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