King's College London
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Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’
Home|Special Collections Exhibitions|Byron & politics: ‘born for opposition’|Greece: Hellenism & heroism|46. Commission giving Lord Byron charge of a group of artillery signed by Alexandros Mavrokordatos 

46. Commission giving Lord Byron charge of a group of artillery signed by Alexandros Mavrokordatos

NLS Ms.43550, f.1r

This document is in a scribal hand and carries the stamp of the Provisional Government of Greece, showing Athena, the ancient goddess of wisdom, with helmet and spear and flanked by the traditional symbol of the olive branch.

It carries the autograph signatures of Mavrokordatos (in roman script) and (in Greek) of his factotum at Missolonghi, Georgios Praidis. It uses the ‘Old Style’ Greek dating, and the ‘New-Style’ dates familiar to Byron and his entourage have therefore been added in square brackets in the transcription below.

no. 733
Provisional Government of Greece
The Director General of Western Greece
By virtue of Resolution no. 314, dated 15 [ie 27] October 1823 of the Legislative Body It is Decreed that
1. His Excellency Lord Noel Byron, / Lord Noel Byron [in English] / is appointed Colonel of the Artillery brigade, and Commander of the said corps for the defence of this brigade.
2. The present order will take the place of a regular commission pending despatch of the same by the Ministry of War.
A. Maurocordato
22 February [ie 5 March] 1824
Secretary General
Georgios Praidis

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